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Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Plants

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Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Plants or PCAP is an international non-governmental social organisation and a sub-organisation of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha that aims to prevent cruelty to animals and plants.

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Plants (PCAP) was founded by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar in 1977. In 1982, Sarkar wrote a book on his philosophy Neohumanism, that laid the philosophical and inspirational basis for the implementation of the objectives of PCAP.

– To prevent cruelty to animals and birds.
– To protect rare and dying species of animals and birds from extinction.
– To prevent deforestation and create and maintain ecological balance in relation to environments.
– To create a sentiment of love for animals, birds and plants by popularizing their usefulness to human beings, society and the environment.
– To popularize the vegetarian menu and thus save the lives of innocent animals and birds.
– To provide food to animals and to provide sanctuaries and medical help to ailing and sick animals and birds.
– To promote forest based products and industries for the economic upliftment of the poor, tribal and forest people.
– To construct and maintain sanctuaries, aviaries, ponds, wells pastures, gardens and forests, for the welfare of human beings, animals, birds and plants.
– To promote and develop afforestation in order to convert dry and barren lands into fertile and cultivable ones.

PCAP wants to create a world where human beings realizing their higher natures assume their sacred role as stewards of the Earth to love, serve and protect all livings and non-living beings on the planet.

PCAP Croatia The first chapter of PCAP International to register in Europe in 2001. Since its inception, it has been one of the most active PCAP branch. PASKA (Parivesh Samvardhana Kanana) This project was started by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar in 1988. It was started as a refuge and sanctuary for rare and endangered plants and animals and as an environmental legacy for the once extensive forests and unique wildlife that covered the Indian subcontinent. Currently is managed by PCAP.

